Contact Us
General Non-Urgent Enquires
Kyneton Little Athletics events are run at the Kyneton Showgrounds No. 2 Oval, from October to March, on Saturday mornings from 9.00am till approximately 11:00am.
If your enquiry is not urgent, the best place to contact us and ask questions is during these events.
Short Notice Updates
To receive the latest information, such as short notice changes to events due to weather conditions or unexpected circumstances, please follow us on Facebook and on Stack Team App.
Other Enquiries
If you haven’t found the information you need on this website or need clarification on anything before the scheduled Saturday events, please fill out the contact form below, message us on Facbook or email us at
For any items required to be sent by mail. Our postal address is: P.O. Box 1009, Kyneton VIC 3444.
Sponsorship Enquiries
If you own a business and would like to support us, please get in touch via email at or by filling out the contact form below.
Contact Form
Please note: We will endeavour to answer all enquiries within five business days.
Some email providers may place our communications in the spam folder.